Just another lazy and unproductive day

So, what did I do today?

Nothing much actually.

Cleaned and typeset manga strips – no I didn’t learn Japanese that fast, someone else had translated them, never mind that the ones I did were in Chinese and not in Japanese – and went to the library.

World-shattering, truly.

Oh but I revised some Hiragana in my head today …. I didn’t get most of course but I am happy that I got five or so right – which is actually not that good but oh well.

I also will try to study a bit more just before going to bed.

Hiragana – as copied from Wikipedia.com

Die folgende Tabelle listet auf der Grundlage der 50-Laute-Tafel alle Hiragana und ihre Transkription nach dem Hepburn-System auf.

Vokale yōon
a i u e o (ya) (yu) (yo)
ka ki ku ke ko きゃ kya きゅ kyu きょ kyo
sa shi su se so しゃ sha しゅ shu しょ sho
ta chi tsu te to ちゃ cha ちゅ chu ちょ cho
na ni nu ne no にゃ nya にゅ nyu にょ nyo
ha hi fu he ho ひゃ hya ひゅ hyu ひょ hyo
ma mi mu me mo みゃ mya みゅ myu みょ myo
ya yu yo
ra ri ru re ro りゃ rya りゅ ryu りょ ryo
わ wa (ゐ wi) (ゑ we) を o/wo
ga gi gu ge go ぎゃ gya ぎゅ gyu ぎょ gyo
za ji zu ze zo じゃ ja じゅ ju じょ jo
da (ji) (zu) de do ぢゃ (ja) ぢゅ (ju) ぢょ (jo)
ba bi bu be bo びゃ bya びゅ byu びょ byo
pa pi pu pe po ぴゃ pya ぴゅ pyu ぴょ pyo

Die Schreibung てぃ für ti (im Gegensatz zu ち chi) kommt bei der Schreibung von Fremdwörtern in Katakana (ティ) des Öfteren vor, bei Hiragana nur in Ausnahmefällen


And this too:



Okay , enough self-pity … let’s get cracking and talking a bit more ..

I started this blog on the advice of this article that says that it is possible to learn 3,000 Kanji in 3 months and I want to try it out.

Although I am aware that I should probably start with completely studying and memorizing and whatnot Hiragana and Katakana … I actually did learn Hiragana once but it has been over a year since then and while I recognize the signs – Hiragana – I actually can’t match them with what they mean …. the only one I can always remember is ん – which is “n” in Romanji/Western script.


Therefore I probably would be better off doing that instead of tackling Kanji but well …


Anyway, back to the article. It doesn’t jump into Memorize this or Memorize that immediately, no, it actually establish a few “ground rules” so to say and helpful tips, like making a language blog to track process and get motivation, I don’t think I will be able to do a few of those things as I have literally no money to spare … however, I heard it from everywhere – internet sites, the article, one of my friends actually studying Japanese and who had already lived in Japan for a while – I will need not only one but probably more preferably good textbook[s].

So … I don’t know. Perhaps today I am going to revise Hiragana, including perhaps posting the Hiragana chart from Wikipedia here later.


Also .. perhaps anyone reading this noticed from my numerous grammar mistakes that I am 100% sure are somewhere in this text I am not a native English speaker nor do I live in an English-speaking country but my major in uni is ‘English Studies’ so I am hoping they [the mistakes] are not too noticeable.

Well, that wasn’t so good , ne?

Ne, I didn’t manage to do anything.

Not go to school. Not learn a bit. Not start trying to learn Japanese.

Sometimes I feel like I am doomed to be a failure.

Beginning and Start of a Journey

This may seem a little dramatic … I mean , the title of this post but for me it is.

I am going to use this blog for commenting on my ( hopefully successful) attempt of learning Japanese and especially Kanji.

Please wish me luck.